Pool Leak Detection Services

· pool leak repair

Every pool owner panics when the facility experiences leakages. If you are an owner of a swimming pool, you need to employ a logical approach to find the leaks. A systematic approach is essential in efficiently mitigating the challenge. As the pool owner, you can handle the initial steps, thus saving on cost and time. A visual inspection is necessary for finding any possible leaks because of leaking equipment, liner damage, or ground wet spots. A visual inspection helps you to ascertain whether the loss of water results from normal splashing or evaporation. It can also be an efficient way of evaluating the quantity of water the facility loses. The following are the techniques for pool leak detection.

  • The Bucket Test
  • - Experts in pool leak detection near me employ a series of progressive equipment and steps to establish the repair options and locate the exact leak point. The bucket test begins with filling the swimming pool with water to its usual capacity. Next, the experts use a water bucket filled to ¾ capacity. The bucket is then placed on the stairs in the pool. Marking the water levels in both the bucket and the pool is necessary to establish any possible changes. You should check any notable variance in the water levels in the bucket and the pool after 24 hours. If you establish a decline in the pool's water levels while the bucket remains intact, then it means there is a leakage.
  • Plumbing Test

- Are you looking for professional in-ground services in pool leak detection near you? If so, then you should find a company that can perform plumbing tests effectively. The pool leak detection service provider should pressure examine the pool's plumbing lines first to refute or ratify any plumbing leak. To attain accurate results, pressure induction systems and techno-scientific test plugs that are fast-acting are recommendable. Did the technician suspect any plumbing leak? If so, a listening device helps to locate the exact leak position. In circumstances where sound detection is affected by soil conditions, a helium detector is used. View website for more information regarding pool leak detection and repair.

  • Pool Structure Test

- If the supposed pool leak is not found in the plumbing section, the technician should assess the entire structure of the pool. It is important to note that this process is similar in gunite, concrete, poured block, shotcrete, and plaster pools. The expert submerges into your pool a waterproof microphone to hear any leaks. Headsets are necessary for this instance to detect any slight variations in sound. Upon identifying a leak, the technician puts some dye into the water to establish the extent and location of the leak. The dye will flow towards the leak, and the expert will later use SCUBA gear to access and repair the leak.

If you are looking for an expert in pool leak detection, consider a company that utilizes recent machinery to electronically locate and listen to plumbing leaks in the pool liner and beneath the ground. View website for SCUBA certified and pool leak detection professionals with repair and detection experience.

